Hollywood Hero Launch Reviews It is clear Wendy’s encouragement is what pushes Halden to be a better person, and her experience among the Hollywood elite teaches her to be proud
Review Tour and Box Set Giveaway
Rachel’s Random Resources is hosting a review tour for Hollywood Hero. ” I was looking for a light, entertaining story and this book surely ticked those boxes. And it was
Hollywood Hero Available for 99 cents Preorder
Hollywood Hero, Book 3 in the Hollywood in Muskoka romance series is available for preorder on Amazon! Blurb A steamy Hollywood romance with a playlist! Unrequited love is hell on
Name the Dog Contest Winner
I had a difficult time choosing the name of the dog who will reside at the fishing lodge in the upcoming Hollywood Hero novel starring Halden Armstrong and Wendy Davila. Your
Name the Dog Contest
Win a paperback copy of Seduced by the Screenwriter The dog days of summer aren’t completely over! I’m awarding a proof copy of the “hot off the press” Seduced